Last week I met with rockstar agent Mark McVeigh of the McVeigh Agency, who much like Janet Reid is an agent filled with the kind of dripping, salacious badassness that usually only comes from the mind of Quentin Tarantino.
Mark is the former editorial director of Aladdin Books, a children's imprint of Simon and Schuster and came highly recommended from a friend, fellow author, and the more diabolical half of Team Evil Violet. After meeting with him, it became clear. This was a union of the fates. I signed with him a few days later.
Step 1 is now complete. I have an agent. Steps 2-100 to getting published? Here I come. And hell's coming with me!
Learning to work while you are waiting is a critical skill. I have also come to respect the day or two "lost" on a current project in order to write down the idea that came in the window, which I add to the list of things that might deserve development--that I will paw through next time I have to wait. You sound like a perfect client for Mark. He's great. I'll watch for your films...