Sunday, September 13, 2009

Massive Website Update

And here I am again to demand everyone's forgiveness in my delinquency. I really swear, swear, swear I was gone for a good reason... in my mind. No really. It was a good one.

First of all - as I hinted about on the website, there is some exciting news coming round the bend in the feature film department. And it only got better. I'm writing a new feature film script - another horror/comedy - and I will tell more very soon. It's a terribly exciting project and I'm in heaven right now. More on this in the weeks to come. The title of this endeavor - The Diabolical Death of Rufus Balacheck. 

Second of all - I have gynormous news surrounding Kringle, but again - I cannot say just yet. I need only a short time before I can reveal. Promise. 

Third of all - MAJOR update to the website will combine my film and book website into a 1-stop shopping extravaganza for all things Jason. It'll be the same old look you've all grown to know and (hopefully) love. All right, at least like. But there will be a brand spankin' new 'films' page that will have links to 3 of my shorts. 

All right - back to the good ole' extremely frustrating coding of the website. Wish me luck. I'm sinking.



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